FREE Plugin Archive for Metal Production [ongoing...] (#666.009)

81 plugins and counting…

I keep getting questions about plugins from people starting out with guitar or generally in digital, and I wanted to have a single archive of pieces of software I love.

So, here’s the list; I’ve split them into the following categories:

  1. PEDALBOARD - Processes that traditionally go before the amp or insert in the “pre-amp out/power amp in” section.

  2. (Pre-)AMP - Pre-amp and/or Power-amp

  3. CAB / SPEAKER - IR loaders and IR files

  4. MIXING - This will be further split into categories (below)

  5. PRE-PRODUCTION - writing tools and instruments like drums, orchestrals, etc.

These below recordings are what I fed through plugins for any audio samples. Example: The guitar riff is going through NeuralDSP Nolly X on its default pre-set. Any pedals you hear will be put in-front of the amp sim.




Mercuriall Overdrives + Chorus - Just download all four.

TSE Audio 808 and R47 - tube screamer and "rodent" guitar pedal

Ignite Amps ProF.E.T. - narsty high distortion




Neural Amp Modeller - Amazing tool to model any non-linear process (like the saturation of a pre-amp, distortion of a pedal, etc. There are tons of models out there, here’s one Ola Englund made of his Randall Satan, you can get all others on ToneHunt

AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop - Most models are paid for, but the free ones are great.

STL Tones - Ignite Emissary and NadIR - the modern classic (there are also four other free amps by Ignite)

Sample with the Wilkinson Audio IRs, below.

LePou amps - if digital amps could be vintage, these would be that. (only because these are some of the first metal-specific amp sims that didn’t sound like ass)

AuroraDSP Goblyn - nasty pre-amp, cool as a distortion into an amp.

ML Sound Lab Amped Roots and Steveie T - these are free, man. Wild.


AuroraDSP Unified - great for thick, clean bass

TSE BOD - as above, but a little more tone shaping possibilites




IR loaders (the software that convolves the IR, reverb-specific IR convolution under Mixing):

AuroraDSP Fenrir - comes with great IRs, a handy visualizer where you can align multiple IRs and also export them - super handy.

Ignite Amps NadIR - has very handy and powerful tone-shaping knobs. (the resonance knob is extremely powerful)


Just the Speaker/Cab IR audio files:

Bogren IR pack - sick.

Lichtlaerm LCFR-150 speaker - you could buy the speaker, but they allow you to just download the free IR which is awesome

Wilkinson Audio - Extremely in depth digitalization of a Mesa OS 4x12 cab with 700+ IRs.

Redwirez - Marshall 1960 cab

My mixed Mesa IR (under Sample Libraries/IR Issue 1/IR_6160iii_MesaLead.wav) I personally think it’s a pretty sick Lead type speaker.




Plugin suites / Channel strips

Analog Obsession CHANNEV - This is their channel strip. Analog Obsessions also have tons of other vintage-style plugins EQ, compressors, saturations… just download them all. They don’t mess with reaper’s wet:dry blend feature which is super awesome; It means there’s very little phase incoherence so it’s great for parallel processing


Bonus: Since this one has so many plugins I also added a guitar bus sample because I specifically want to show some love to their GrapHack EQ which is also a band-specific saturator. It’s really fucking cool and a powerful tone shaper.


ReaPlugs Suite - REAPER’s stock plugins now work with any audio processing software (including video editors that allow .vst inserts like Davinci Resolve). ReaFIR is a super powerful noise remover / gate / linear phase EQ, it’s stupidly flexible, ReaComp can oversample and ReaXComp has been my go to for controlling chugs forever, until:


TDR Nova - My favorite multiband for controlling chugs (also get all their other freeware)


Baby Audio - Four easy to use, single-knob -type plugins



Sonic Anomaly Unlimited - My favorite free limiter


TDR Kotelnikov - mastering compressor

D16 Frontier - Limiter


LoudMax - Super easy to use limiter


LVC Limited-Z - Limiter thzat’s good for learning, with gain-reduction visualizer


Native Instruments Supercharger - very colored/saturated compressor



TDR SlickEQ - parametric, good way to force you to use your ears

TDR PTEq-X - Pultec-style EQ

KiiveAudio Warmy EP1A - WARM-audio inspired, which is a Pultec-style EQ (plug-in, of a knock off, of a knock off haha)


Other (imaging, temporal effects, …)

Klanghelm - Get all, but IVGI (saturator) is a must. I love it on a guitar bus to tame distorted guitar sizzle.

Vocal Menace - All in one vox processor by Chris Liepe

Softube Saturation Knob - as above, also for saturation in mastering for more loudness or to tame cymbals.

Valhalla Super Massive and Space Modulator

iZotope Ozone imager (widener / stereo width control) and Vocal Doubler

Polyverse Music Wider (claims mono compatibility, with a high-pass)

MeldaProductions MConvolutionEZ - convolution (IR-based) reverb

Lexicon 480L - reverb IRs (as .aif, but that’s also lossless so who cares)

BL Denoiser - if ReaFIR doesn’t do enough, could give this denoiser a go.




IKMultimedia MODO Bass 2 - 1 free model


Bogren Krimh Drums Free - you don’t need anything else for metal (stereo out only in the free version)

MT Power Drumkit 2 -

MIDIRemap (tool) - for when your friends use Toontrack and you use Bogren drums, for example

Orchestras / Choirs / Other

Sidenote: get them all and combine them. Where one lacks, the others make up, which is the whole point of why an orchestra/choir is so big (composition also plays an enormous role, but that’s a different story)

Spitfire BBC Orchestra and LABS - Get both, and download ALL the LABS libraries because they’re ALL seriously amazing

ProjectSAM - get both v1 and v2. My favorite here are the horns and choir

Decent Sampler - very unique instruments, especially excellent for texture

Aegean Music Pitchproof - SUPER USEFUL. It’s here because I use it all the time as a tool to help figure out vocal harmonies. The pitch algorithm is a bit dodgy at certain timbres/pitches so it’s more of a tool for my use case.



These are either [1] part of indirect purchases (like if you own a Focusrite interface you get RedSuite for free) or [2] may sometimes be free during promotions.

If you own a Focusrite (these change a lot, also depends on interface model)
FLUX:: Analyzer, Focusrite Red Suite, Brainworx bx_console

If you own an SSL
SSL Native VocalStrip 2 and Drumstrip, IKMultimedia Amplitube 5, Melodyne 5 essential

UAudio LA-2A

UAudio Century Tube Channel Strip

That’s all i’m putting here because it’s such a variable section depending on promos these companies run, also BedroomProducersBlog has a pretty exhaustive news feed with deals / promo. Also, check your interface’s bundled software (!!!!!!), there’s probably lots of really excellent stuff in there.


Thanks to Ola Englund Discord members “Seröga” for suggesting and reminding me of MT Power Drumkit and Aegean Pitchproof, and “ml78” for BL Denoiser.


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